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2003-2025 / Fraternal Organisations & Orders

Fraternal Organisations
Jomtien Thailand – LPWW 1803SC – Proposer Anthony Thorley … – Paal S D – Stanley Parsons (RIP-March-2008) – 2004

I am presently an active member of various Fraternal Organisations & Masonic orders.

Paal Stefan Dinessen / Masonic History.

I had known about the Craft since I started to read historically related books. I was not intimately enlightened until 2002-2004.

My childhood hero and the historical person I have held in the highest esteem for most of my life is, without doubt, Roald Amundsen, who was a Norwegian Freemason. Over the last 45 years, I have acquired a whole bookshelf related to his life and times. In addition, I have a Norwegian first edition signed complete set of his complete works published in 1928. Furthermore, I was blessed to befriend two English Gentlemen in the late nineties, Anthony Thorley (RIP) and Stanley Parsons (RIP), who kindly introduced me to the Fraternal Organisations Craft between 2002-2003. 

I attended Lodge Pattaya West Winds (Scottish Constitution) (Pattaya) Harmonies (Dinner) at the Royal Cliff Hotel in 2002-2003 with Tony. On 10 January 2004, I was initiated (First Degree) at LPWW 1803, my mother lodge. I subsequently passed to the second degree and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason of LPWW 1803 on 15 September of the same year. 

Over the years, I have held minor offices in the lodge, primarily due to my very time-consuming offshore occupation (+200 days annually), work and extensive travel worldwide that hindered me from taking demanding office positions. I am a 32-degree Scottish Rite Mason Valley of Taipei, which I joined on 02 May 2009. I was made a Mark Master Companion of Bangkok Royal Arch and Chapter, no 357 Scottish Constitution (Bangkok) on 19 March 2010.

Positioned held

I was installed as a Knights Templar in the Star of the East Preceptory Singapore English Constitution on 10 November 2012. I was installed as a Knights Malta in the Star of the East Priory Singapore English Constitution on 15 December 2012. I was affiliated with LLX Lodge Lane Xang no 1632 Scottish Constitution (Bangkok) on 20 February 2013.

I was a founding member of fraternal organisations Trident Lodge no 9891 English Constitution (Pattaya), consecrated on 15 March 2014. I was a founding member of the Order of the Secret Monitor OSM Siam Conclave no 14 (Bangkok), consecrated on 19 February 2017, and I have held the position of treasurer. I was a founding member of Mark Master Masons Lodge no 1990 English Constitution (Pattaya), consecrated on 20 July 2018. I was a founding member of Knights Templar Siam Preceptory and Knights Malta Priory No 711 English Constitution (Bangkok), consecrated 13 October 2018 and have held the treasurer’s position.

On 30 October 2021, I was invested with the rank of the Knights Commander of the Court of Honour—a rank bestowed upon members deserving recognition for faithful services to the Scottish Rite or to humankind. (At the biennial session of the Supreme Council, certain Masters of the Royal Secret are chosen to be invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. The respective Sovereign Grand Inspectors General or Deputies nominate members for this honour, and the Supreme Council must unanimously approve them. This investiture is a prerequisite to receiving the Thirty-third Degree. The Rank of K.∙.C.∙.C.∙.H.∙. may not be requested, and if requested, must be refused.)

I am in good standing in the fraternal organisations Craft. 

Fraternal Organisations Gallery

Click on the images for a larger view.

OSM - BKK - 05.12.2023
OSM – BKK – 05.12.2023
BRAC SC at BC - 13.03.2024
BRAC SC at BC – 13.03.2024
BRAC L and C - 01 Febuary 2025
BRAC L and C – 01 February 2025

Three Thousand Years of Masonic History

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