Bouncer – Gym
I trained in martial arts from a very young age: Judo, Boxing, Thai boxing, kickboxing, and wrestling. Over time, I lost the fear of being hurt or scarred; this, combined with the need to prove myself continually, led to not avoiding conflict, not seeking or relishing battle, just never running away from it.
As a teenager, absence of fear brought self-confidence and an unusual ability to remain calm when in dangerous situations. Although I excelled in street fighting, I took a battering in the ring more than once. Often during bouts with Bård Trones, world champion Kick Boxer, who managed to knock me out more than once. But without the constraints and rules of the ring, I was a champion, and never lost a fight, albeit some fights that would have been doomed, were avoided.
Bouncer – Gym
I trained with weights since age 14 but was never destined to compete at the national level. I was way above average for my weight and age, though, and at 19 years of age achieved a personal best of 142.5 kg bench press, could squat 217.5 kg, and deadlift 235 kg. The training was, for many years, as a religion, or some might say an addiction – my only addiction. The daily routine was much more than compulsion; just one day without endorphins resulted in unhappiness and a lowered self-esteem. I still train rigorously every day.
Becoming a bouncer was a natural progression and probably inevitable. I was fortunate that nothing happened during those days that decided my future. Things came to a head in Askøy while working with Arne and Willy one night, and were it not for a doctor in an ambulance nearby, things would probably have turned out differently for me, and I might have been convicted and incarcerated for manslaughter. The events of that night left no doubt of the path I was on, and I chose to end my career as a bouncer and change the direction my life was going in.
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