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Climbing / Rock & Ice

Technical Climbing - Bolstad
Technical Climbing – Bolstad

I learnt climbing in 1984 in Bergen. Beginning on indoor climbing walls, I met and befriended a local group of committed, experienced mountaineers, including a celebrated climber named Stein Hugo Thorsen.

Stein Hugo took me under his wing and became my mentor. Under his guidance, my new hobby evolved to scaling rock faces, Ice, and a few technical climbs. I was neither built nor born to be an exceptional climber of the calibre of Stein Hugo and his friends. Still, I soon became fascinated and drawn to the exhilaration and physical hardship of climbing.

Blessed to be in such extraordinary company, I was always well looked after and never put in a position where a mistake would prove fatal. I climbed primarily on Sotra, Voss, and later ice climbed glacier arms at Jostedals Glacier in western Norway (the largest glacier in Europe). Once, I even climbed Store Skagastølstind, Norway’s highest alpine peak.

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