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Reference Material

Reference Material

I would like to offer my sincerest thanks, to the authors and publishers of the reference material, used to gather the information contained on this website.

Without the assistance of the reference material, it would not have been possible to write the biography and piece this site together.

I have tried to garner as much detail as I could to make the story complete.

My apologies, but this page is best viewed on smaller Mobile devices in the horizontal position.

NOTE: Links on this page redirect to another website, or download a PDF file.

For a detailed Glossary of underwater diving terminology CLICK HERE

Reference Material TitleAuthorCountry PublishedLink
3X Dykking I Egypt (Diving In Egypt).Leif-Tore Skjerven – PDF Download12.06.2015Click Here
3X Dykking I Israel (Diving In Israel).Leif-Tore Skjerven – PDF Download17.12.2006Click Here
3X Dykking På Svalbard Og I Nord (Diving On Svalbard And The North).Leif-Tore Skjerven – PDF Download22.08.2016Click Here
3X Minne fra 1968 (Recollections from 1968).Leif-Tore Skjerven – PDF Download2019Click Here
3X Minne fra 1969 (Recollections from 1969).Leif-Tore Skjerven – PDF Download 1969 – 2019Click Here
10 things no one tells you before you become a deep-sea diver.Article – David Harrison Becket(United Kingdom 2016)Click Here
11 Important Steps in the Evolution of Diving SuitsWebsiteClick Here
20,000 Jobs Under The SeaTorrance R. Parker(America 1997)Click Here
300 Metre dives historically listed by countryPDF Download(Norwegian)Click Here
32 Battalion by Piet Nortie – II BooksClick Here
A Brief History of Diving: Free Divers, Bells and HelmetsWebsiteClick Here
Aberdeen memorial statue for North Sea diversWebsiteClick Here
A Century in OilStephen Howarth(United Kingdom 1997)Click Here
Accelerated Emergency Decompression from Saturation in Commercial Diving Operations.PDF DownloadClick Here
Acergy – Ships and OilWebsiteClick Here
Adjunctive Therapy For Decompression IllnessPDF DownloadClick Here
Helicopter Service AS – Early history (Norwegian)WebsiteClick Here
A Family Of Offshore Construction VesselsWebsiteClick Here
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A pipeline retrospectiveWebsite2000Click Here
Aquatic commons – Historical Diver no 7Magazine(America 1996)
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A short Norwegian diving HistoryBjørn W. Kahrs(Norway 2014)Click Here
A Time To DieRobert Moore(United Kingdom 2002)Click Here
Application of Subsea SystemsGoodfellow Associates(America 1990)Click Here
Aviation Safety NetworkWebsiteClick Here
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BASE Jumping accidents and evolutionWebsiteClick Here
BASE Jumping fatality listWebsiteClick Here
BASE Jumping ResearchWebsiteClick Here
BASE KjeragWebsiteClick Here
BASE – StavangerWebsiteClick Here
BASE – Bjarte BerntsenWebsiteClick Here
BASE – Frank Gambale IIIWebsiteClick Here
BASE – Thor Alex KappfjellWebsiteClick Here
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Børge Michael Jangaard OuslandWebsiteClick Here
Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of FreemasonryWebsiteby John J. RobinsonClick Here
Bristow Helicopters Ltd – HistoryWebsiteClick Here
Builders of Empire – Freemasons and British imperialism, 1717-1927WebsiteJessica L. Harland-JacobsClick Here
Byford Dolphin Court Case Coward v Comex Houlder Diving limitedWebsiteClick Here
Byford Dolphin – Accident Report (Norwegian)PDF DownloadClick Here
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CATS System – Technical OverviewPDF DownloadClick Here
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Chapter 11 (Sample PDF) – History of Oilfield DivingChristopher Swann(America 2007)Click Here
Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieWebsiteClick Here
Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieWebsite (BBC Interview)Click Here
Christopher Hill Fatality – Diver makes £1.2m explosion claimWebsiteClick Here
Chronology of Submersible Rigs – MODU’sWebsiteClick Here
Closed Pattaya a-Go-Go BarsWebsiteClick Here
Combat FrogmenMichael Welham(United Kingdom 1989)Click Here
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Cry from the DeepRamsey Flynn(America 2004)Click Here
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Deadly Easter Polar Vortex 1952WebsiteClick Here
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B) DELTA 32 mutation HIV/AIDS Resistance GeneWebsiteClick Here
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Det Norske Veritas – Diving systemsPDF Download 2017Click Here
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Diver George HuntWebsite2022Click Here
Diver to Umbilical Attachment Hazard ObservationPDF DownloadClick Here
Divers Compensation CasePDF DownloadClick Here
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Diving Bell 1673 – Kilstraumen AustrheimWebsiteClick Here
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Diving in the U.S. Navy: A Brief HistoryWebsiteClick Here
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Donald (Don) RodockerWebsiteClick Here
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DP (Dynamic Positioning) HistoryPDF DocumentClick Here
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Dräger FGT I/A RebreatherPDF DownloadClick Here
Dräger FGT 1/A & FGT 1/D Semiclosed Rebreather – Data sheetWebsiteClick Here
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DRASS dive systemsWebsiteClick Here
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Eli Thompson – Skydiver ExtraordinaryWebsiteClick Here
Emergency RescueAllan Hall(United Kingdom 1995)Click Here
Erik Sørensen aka Pegleg – Skandibar PattayaWebsiteClick Here
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Evaluating accidents in the offshore drilling of petroleumPDF DownloadClick Here
Evaluation of Free-fall Lifeboats launch performanceWebsiteClick Here
Extreme Rouge WaveWebsiteClick Here
Extreme sports danger statisticsWebsiteClick Here
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Freemasonry GlossaryWebsiteClick Here
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Forging Norwegian Special Operations ForcesPDF Download2014Click Here
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Fra Marinedykkingens Historie I NorgeErling Krange(Kristiansand 1994)Click Here
Francis, aka Papy One (Grandfather One)WebsiteClick Here
Frank Gambalie – BASE Jumper – RIPWebsiteClick Here
Freemasony GlossaryWebsiteClick Here
Frigg Field – North SeaPDF DownloadClick Here
Frigg Oil FieldPDF DownloadClick Here
Frog TalesMark D. Holroyd(America 2013)Click Here
From Naval Diving History in Norwayby Erling Krange (Norwegian)Click Here
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General Aquadyne Inc. Santa Barbara, California – Dive Helmets and MasksWebsiteClick Here
Georges ArnouxWebsiteClick Here
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Go Get a Woolly HatAdrian Ladd(United Kingdom 2009)Click Here
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Handbook of FreemasonryWebsiteHenrik Bogdan, Jan A.M. Snoek (editors)Click Here
Hannes Keller, Diving pioneer and Renaissance manDIVER Editorial(America 2018)Click Here
Hannes Keller’s 1,000′ Dive:- Excerpt from: The History of Oilfield Diving: An Industrial AdventureChristopher Swann(America 2007)Click Here
Hans Christian JohannesenWebsiteClick Here
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Harry Wardle – ObituaryWebsiteClick Here
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Helicopter Accidents & Incidents – Statens Havarikommisjon – NorwayWebsiteClick Here
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Helicopter Service AS – Early history (Norwegian)PDF DownloadClick Here
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History of Diving and NOAA ContributionsNOAAClick Here
History of Dräger WerkePDF DownloadClick Here
History of Oxygen RebreathersWebsiteClick Here
History of Siebe Gorman & CoGraces Guide(United Kingdom)Click Here
History of the Fenzy vest / BCDWebsiteClick Here
History of Underwater DivingWikipediaClick Here
HL Saipem 7000 – J-Lay Tower FatalitiesPDF Download17 September 2008Click Here
Huisman EquipmentPDF DownloadClick Here
Hydra 8: Pre-commercial Hydrogen Diving ProjectWebsiteClick Here
Hydrogen Molecular Biology and MedicinePDF DownloadClick Here
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IMCA – DSV Serious DP diving incident DP-Run off – Divers in the waterWebsite2013Click Here
In Search of the ‘Hamilla Mitchell’Website ArticleClick Here
Inquiry report attachment; from the investigation into the Norwegian military’s (Navy) role in North Sea diving.PDF Download (In Norwegian)Click Here
Inside the life of a deep sea saturation diver, one of the most dangerous & isolated jobs in the worldWebsite ArticleClick Here
Ishavsfart Fra Gratangen og Gamle IbestadEivind H. Kristiansen(Norway 1989)Click Here
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John MjøenWebsite1989Click Here
Johnson Sea Link entanglementPDF DownloadClick Here
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Kim Lindegaard Nielsen: Arrested Bandidos Member Claims InnocenceWebsiteClick Here
Kirby Morgan Hat and Mask HistoryWebsiteClick Here
Kirby Morgan SuperLite 27B HelmetPDF DownloadClick Here
KurskPeter Truscott(United Kingdom 2002)Click Here
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Kursk DownClyde Burleson(America 2002)Click Here
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Listed Norwegian related early diving contractorsLeif-Tore Skjerven – PDF DownloadClick Here
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Marinens Fartøyer 1939-1945 Og Deres SkjebneFrank Abelsen(Norway 1986)Click Here
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Dykking Magazine / MinedykkerWebsiteClick Here
MODU Ocean RangerWebsiteClick Here
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Mount Kinabalu (1)WebsiteClick Here
Mount Kinabalu (2)WebsiteClick Here
Mumbai High North Platform DisasterWebsite2005Click Here
M/V Andrea Doria salvagePDF DownloadClick Here
MV Odd Lundberg IV (T-55-G)Website2019Click Here
Nautical TermsWebsiteClick Here
Nordsjødykkerene(Website in Norwegian)Click Here
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Norsk DykkingBjorn W. Kahrs(Norway 2014)Click Here
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North Sea Divers: A requiemJim Limbrick(United Kingdom 2016)Click Here
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Norwegian Offshore Oil FieldsWebsiteClick Here
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NOU 2003: 5 Pioneer Divers (Norwegian)WebsiteClick Here
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Pattaya Jungle Hash House HarriersFounded May 2003Click Here
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På Dypt VannElse M. Tungland(Norway 2004)Click Here
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Raising The Kurskby Hans Offringa(Holland 2003)Click Here
Redning Paa Dypet; 20 år siden Kursk-ulykkenForsvarets Forum(Norway 2020)Click Here
Requiem for a Diverby Jakie Warner(United Kingdom 1990)Click Here
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Robert Blair “Paddy” Mayne: Part II of IIWebsiteClick Here
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Russel RobinsonWebsiteClick Here
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The Artifact Biography of a Slave Shipwreck – The EnterpriseWebsiteClick Here
The History of DrägerPDF DownloadClick Here
The History of MODU Drill Master (Norwegian text)PDF DownloadClick Here
Thermal Protection – Hot Water Diving SuitsPDF DownloadClick Here
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Salvamar – A Tale of Salvage & Deep DivingWebsiteClick Here
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Sea GemWebsite1965Click Here
Sealab III – The Divers StoryWebsite1969Click Here
Semi-Submersibles DesignsPDF DownloadClick Here
Ship Building History – Drilling RigsWebsiteClick Here
Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Seaby Gary Kinder(America 1998)Click Here
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SINTEF – Helicopter Safety Study number 4PDF Download17 January 2023Click Here
SINTEF Offshore Blowout databaseWebsiteClick Here
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Skånevik – The Deepest Dive The 1978 fatal dive accident of David Hoover (English)WebsiteClick Here
Skånevik – The investigation of the Fatal diving accidentWebsiteClick Here
Skånevik – The World’s Safest DiveJan Christian Warlo (English) – PDF Download2013Click Here
Skånevik – Verdens Sikreste DykkJan Christian Warlo (Norwegian) – PDF Download2013Click Here
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The 1978 fatal dive accident of David HooverKjersti Knudssøn(Norway 20.10.2015)Click Here
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The Craft In The EastChristopher Haffner1977Click Here
The Final Dive – The Life and Death of Buster Crabbby Don Hale(United Kingdom 2007) Click Here
The Frogmenby James Waldron & James Gleeson(United Kingdom 1950)Click Here
The History of Helix Energy Solutions GroupPDF DownloadClick Here
The History of Oilfield DivingChristopher Swann(America 2007)Click Here
The Ideal Manby Joshua Kurlantzick2011Click Here
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Theo MavrotomosClick Dive Magazine2018Click Here
The Loonliness Of A Deep Sea DiverDavid Harrison Beckett(United Kingdom 2016)Click Here
The Prize, The Epic Quest for Oil Money and PowerDaniel Yergin(America 1991)Click Here
The Scrap Book of Diving History ‘DiveScrap’ IndexDavid(Holland)Click Here
The story behind dynamic positioning – KONGSBERGWebsite2014Click Here
The Waveby Susan Casey2010Click Here
The Weird, Dangerous, Isolated Life of the Saturation DiverJen Banbury(America 2018)Click Here
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Underwater WarriorsPaul Kemp(United Kingdom 1996)Click Here
United Kingdom Continental Shelf – Ship/Platform Collision Incident Database (1996-2015) for offshore oil and gas installationsPDF DownloadClick Here
Utvikling I Risikonivå – Norsk SokkelWebsite2000Click Here
Vascular Function Recovery Following Saturation DivingWebsiteClick Here
Vi MennWebsiteWeekly PeriodicalClick Here
Vi Som Jobbet I “Stolt Nielsen Seaway”WebsiteClick Here
Vi som reddet, berget og etterforsket (Norwegian text)E-bookClick Here
Wadding – Escape from 603ftInterview with Peter Wadding on a record breaking Submarine EscapeBarrow Submariners AssociationClick Here
War Sailors – A Norwegian TraumaWebsiteClick Here
War Sailors – Memory HallWebsiteClick Here
War Sailors – NortrashipWebsiteClick Here
War Sailors – What was wrong with the War sailorsWebsiteClick Here
WÄRTSILÄ Encyclopaedia of Marine TechnologyWebsiteClick Here
WASP ADSPDF DownloadClick Here
Walking on Ocean FloorsMike Mcgettigan (Author)Australia (27.10.2019)Click Here
Waterfalls NorwayWebsiteClick Here
Why did the Kursk K-141 SinkWebsiteClick Here
Work Capability and Physiological Effects in He-O2 Excursions to pressures of 400-800-1200-1600 FSW-PDF DownloadClick Here
Working Underwater: The story of the Commercial Diving IndustryMike Cox – Flip book(America 2018)Click Here
World Demand and Supply for Ships and Offshore PlatformsPDF Download1971Click Here
World Fleet of Jack-Up Drilling RigsWebsite2009Click Here
World’s highest waves form west of NorwayBård Amundsen Journalist – Nancy Bazilchuk English versionClick Here
Verdens høyeste bølger er i havet utenfor NorgeBård Amundsen Journalist – Nancy Bazilchuk Norwegian versionClick Here
Yorkshire Divers Commercial Divers ForumWebsiteClick Here
Some Norwegian books about Diving – Click to View

1869 Marinens dykkerelement: Om dykkerapparater og deres bruk ombord på krigsskipene.

1915 Dykkereglement for marinen

1941 Av Bjergningsvesenets Historie, Bind I, fra oldtid til nutid

1943 Av Bjergningsvesenets Historie, Bind II krigsår og krisetid

1946 Av Bjergningsvesenets Historie, Bind IIIA Havarihistorie

1946 Av Bjergningsvesenets Historie, Bind III B Havarifortegnelser

1949 De setter livet inn, redning, berging, dykking

1953 Den Tause Verden

1953 På 500 favners dyp

1954 Dypvannsskipet, 4050 meter ned i havet

1957 Froskemennene. Sannheten om undervannssabotørene

1957 Undervannssvømming: en håndbok om dykking som hobby

1963 Levende Hav

1967 Amatørdykking

1973 Skattejakt langs norskekysten

1975 Skatter på havbunnen: på dykkerjakt i Norges historie

1975 Den norske undervannsboka

1985 Med kamera under vann

1986 Den store boken om dykking

1994 Fra Marinedykkingens Historie i Norge

1996 Historie og drama fra havets bunn

1999 Ofret for svart gull

2000 Bobler i Blodet, Dypvannsdykker Ragnar R. Knutsen

2000 For lut og salt vann

2000 Den store skammen

2001 Best på bunnen. NUI gjennom 25 år

2003 Pionerdykkerne i Nordsjøen

2004 På Dypt Vann, Pionerdykkerne i Nordsjøen

2007 Sportsdykking i 50 år

2008 Fra dypet: Nordsjødykkernes historie

2009 Bragd og Berging, om forlis og bergingsaksjoner

2009 Nordsjødykkerne

2011 Hjelmdykking. En karriere på godt og vondt